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Rubrica creata da Should Be Reading |
Regole del Teaser Tuesday
- Si posta di martedì (Tuesday);
- Prendi il libro che stai leggendo in una pagina a caso;
- Condividi un breve spezzone di quella pagina (Teaser);
- Attento a non fare spoiler;
- Riporta anche il titolo e l'autore così che i tuoi lettori possano aggiungere il libro alla loro wishlist se sono rimasti colpiti dall'estratto;
Vi darò un assaggio di una delle mie attuali letture in lingua inglese. Coloro che non comprendono bene la lingua, chiedo venia. Da qualche anno ormai sembra che compro più in inglese che in italiano e faccio poca distinzione nel segnalare nelle rubriche. Per chi invece mastica bene l'inglese, potrebbe provarlo. Ecco a voi Kiss of the Royal di Linsay Duga, un fantasy romance che parla di baci e guerra.
“Long live the Royals,” the class said in unison, “the Light against the Darkness.”
“Thank you, princess,” I said to her with a smile. “Everyone may sit.”
Roughly a dozen girls all slid back into their chairs.
I glanced at the lesson plan Tulia had left on the desk. “You’re on History? How long have you been here?” History was something Mages taught. The Legion princesses offered more hands-on lessons, which I intended to do.
A princess with ebony skin raised her hand. “Seven days, Your Highness.”
Tulia hadn’t mentioned that her class would be the newest recruits, and I was surprised I hadn’t recognized any. Then again, a week ago I was on patrol and got hit with the dwarf’s locking curse. It just now occurred to me that I had missed the spring initiation ceremony. It wasn’t so important anymore, though, since a new ceremony was held at the beginning of every season now instead of annually.
I sighed. It had been a long time since I’d taught the basics. “All right. Who wants to recite the story of our founders?”
No one moved. I placed my hands on my hips. “Don’t be shy. Anyone who’s been to chapel knows the story.” Chapels throughout the four kingdoms had beautiful stained glass and paintings of the story of Myriana and Saevalla. Even if the girls had never read a history textbook, our religious teachings made sure they knew of our holy queens’ origins.
The girls exchanged glances before one with short blond hair stood, tugging on the hems of her sleeves.
“Go ahead,” I said with a small dip of my chin.
Pag. 50 ebook
Per chi comprende almeno un pò l'inglese, si tratta dell'inizio di una lezione di storia. Ho preso questo pezzetto dal capitolo che sto leggendo adesso. Tra qualche settimana saprete la mia opinione sul romanzo ;)
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